Southern Pacific Bulletin
January, Page 11
The San Diego & Arizona Railway Company, and particularly the employes, are commended for the excellent service rendered during the past season, in letters received by General Manager Mercier from two of the largest shippers in that section.
"We wish to express our appreciation of the uniform courtesy and assistance accorded us by every one connected with your road with whom we came in contact during the past shipping season," writes Geo. F. Johnson, of Etiwanda, Cal. "In moving so
much highly perishable fruit in so short a time, it was most gratifying to note the interest taken by the train crews and the boys in the office and in the yards."
L. K. Small, of Los Angeles, writes: "Permit me to thank you and your Company for the wonderful service given us this season.
The attitude of your trainmen and stationmen was all that could be desired, and strikingly in contrast to what we find occasionally in other sections."
May 1923, Page 31
An incident indicative of the interest taken by many employes in obtaining business, is shown in the following letter from A. T. Mercier,
General Manager, San Diego and Arizona Railway, commending the services of Conductor McCormick:
"Conductor W. G. McCormick, in charge of our train No. 102, on arriving at Tia Juana noticed four well dressed
Mexicans somewhat confused. He inquired of them where they were going and was informed that they were on their way to San Diego and El Paso. Mr. McCormick
immediately advised them that his train was going to El Paso and for them to get on. After the train had departed he found that they had not purchased tickets
and had no funds except a cashier's check issued by the Bank of Montreal. He examined their credentials and found that they were members of the family of the Mexican
Customs Broker at Tia Juana. Concluding that the check was all right he then inquired concerning their baggage and found out that it was still in the station at Tia Juana unchecked.
"He carried them to Tecate, the next open station where tickets were sold, and purchased for them four tickets from Tia Juana to El Paso, giving the Agent at Tecate his personal check to cover, knowing that
he could deposit the cashier's check in San Diego early the next morning to protect his own account. He then sent a message back to the Agent at Tia Juana to check the trunks to El Centro where he would personally
see that they were re-checked to El Paso. On arrival at El Centro Mr. McCormick remained on duty after release from his own train, waited for the arrival of No. 4 which was following two hours afterwards, re-checked the baggage, saw that the people
were transferred to the El Paso train, with the result that the Southern Pacific and San Diego & Arizona revenue was increased that day by four tickets from Tia Juana to El Centro, San Diego & Arizona, Southern Pacific, El Centro to El Paso.
"This is only one of the many cases where Mr. McCormick secured business for the San Diego & Arizona and Southern Pacific."
June 1923, Page 15
The first of a series of educational trips over the San Diego and Arizona Railroad by representatives of the Passenger Department at Los Angeles and other points was taken in May. The trips were planned by F. S. McGinnis, General Passenger Agent, with the view of increasing the efficiency of agents in selling tickets.
H. P. Monahan, District Passenger Agent at Los Angeles, was in charge of the initial trip of agents over the "short line" railroad from San Diego to El Centro. The famous Carriso Gorge was the chief point of interest on the tour.
Those making the trip, in addition to Henry Monahan, included J. E. Richardson, Agent at Hollywood; H. L. Le Grand, Agent Glendale; R. M. Latham, Agent Sawtelle; W. L. Farnell, Los Angeles Pullman office, and the following from the Los Angeles district and local ticket offices;
C. J. Sundberg, H. S. Wroe, 0. C. Metzger, T. G. Meacham, K. J. Caldwell, W. S. Holcomb, H. G. Storley, O. W. Eller, D. D. Graham, W. C. Beale, L. W. Rouse, A. J. Rehwold, E. B. Sharpley, H. E. Pierson, H. G. Kinch, N. W. Osterhout, L. A. Griffin, J. A. Krone, C. A. Pestor, H. N. Waugh and A. G. Hammarstrom.
June 1923, Page 19
F. B. Dorsey, who has been serving in the capacity of Assistant
Traffic Manager of San Diego & Arizona Railway, has been appointed Traffic Manager of those lines.
Mr. Dorsey first entered the services of the Southern Pacific in March, 1907, as a rodman
on the Coast Division, after having been connected with the engineering department of an eastern railroad for two years. In 1908 he
returned to Denver and from that time until October, 1917, when he accepted the position of chief clerk to D. W. Pontius, who
was then General Manager of the San Diego & Arizona, Mr. Dorsey was connected with various industrial concerns and eastern railroads.
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