Southern Pacific Bulletin
February, Page 17

Trainmaster and yardmaster's office force of the San Diego & Arizona at San Diego with the banner
awarded quarterly to the department making the best showings in business getting and promoting traffic. Mr. Lamey's men are on the lookout
for business at all times and through their courteous and efficient service have been instrumental in creating
and holding much business.
Left to right - S. A. Lamey, W. F. Gobeen, C. W. Robbins,
Don Little, W. H. Hofmann, H. S. Fitzpatrick, A. A. Wyttenback, and W. C. Blackmena
September, Page 3

Much attention has been attracted to the "Golden State Limited" through this miniature train which is operated at Mission Beach Amusement Center in San Diego.
November, Page 13
Ticket Agents of U. S., Attending Conclave, See the West
Ticket agents and their families from all over the United States spent several days during the month sight-seeing in the West and getting first hand information on the many attractions of Pacific Coast states, en route to and from the annual convention of the American Association of Ticket Agents at San Diego.
Officers of the Association are shown in the upper left picture posed with Assistant Passenger Traffic Manager F. C. Lathrop who is on the right.
Left to right-E. R. Hutton. New York, secretary; Arthur G. Bloom, newly elected president; and C. M. Knowles, retiring president. Upper right group was taken at Apache Trail Lodge, and two lower groups at Oakland Pier.
SEEING the West, many of them for the first time, 650 members of the American Association of Ticket Agents and their families traveled to San Diego, California, on four Southern Pacific special trains to attend their annual convention.
Met at El Paso by F. C. Lathrop and C. L. McFaul, assistant passenger traffic managers, the delegation traveled from Globe to Phoenix over the famous Apache Trail of Arizona as guests of Southern Pacific, continuing to San Diego through Carriso Gorge.
In all, 1150 delegates, representing every state and railroad in the country, attended the San Diego convention. San Diego held open house for their benefit, and from the moment the special trains crossed the California line the ticket agents were recipients of unbounded hospitality and endless entertainment.
Following the convention, 932 delegates traveled over the Coast and San Joaquin Valley lines of Southern Pacific to San Francisco as guests of the Company, stopping at Yosemite Valley, Santa Barbara, Del Monte, and Santa Cruz.
The American Association of Ticket Agents is one of the most important railroad organizations in the world. To its members California owes a
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