Southern Pacific Bulletin
January, Page 17
"Dorothy and I sure had a grand trip, one that we will always remember," wrote little Ben Diffenbaugh, of National City, Calif., to A. T. Mercier, general manager of the San Diego & Arizona. Ben is the young son of Switchman Diffenbaugh.
"We sure got good service and good eats on the train," he assured Mr. Mercier. "One thing I liked I didn't have to be careful about breaking any of the dishes. We got some pictures of 'Caruso' Gorge. It certainly is beautiful. We went to see the Niagara Falls. Dorothy and I thank you for giving Dad our transportation."
May, Page 8
A. T. Mercier, vice-president and general manager of the San Diego & Arizona Railway, was elected to the position of
president and general manager at a meeting of the board of directors of the railway on April 9. Mr. Mercier succeeds the late
J. D. Spreckels, former president of the road. He was elected a director.
Mr. Mercier was promoted to vicepresident and general manager in October, 1921, after having been superintendent
of the Portland Division of the Southern Pacific since September, 1918, succeeding from the position of assistant superintendent of Shasta Division.
May, Page 15
With the closing of the racing season at Tijuana, considerable passenger and freight traffic was handled out of San Diego over the San Diego & Arizona. Through the persistent work of District Freight and Passenger Agent A. D. Hagaman and City Ticket Agent W. A. Douthett, the Southern Pacific and S. D. & A. received a large share of the business in moving the cars of race horses east of Aurora, Ill., and north to Calgary, also the handling of a large amount of the passenger business.
Another recent traffic movement of considerable importance over the S. D. & A. and S. P. was the special train of "good will" travelers, consisting of many prominent business men and women of San Diego who spent six days visiting southern Arizona cities in promoting a mutual feeling of good will.
June, Page 8
The first solid train to leave San Diego as a "Back East" excursion special left that city over the San Diego & Arizona Railway May 22. The train was called the "Sunshine Special" and for several weeks before its departure received wide publicity through the efforts of A. D. Hagaman, assistant general freight and passenger agent. The special was accompanied by W. A. Douthett, city freight and passenger agent.
Employes of the S. D. & A. outside the ranks of the regular traffic solicitors, added their efforts in attracting interest to the special and in furnishing the traffic men with live tips. A meeting of employes was held in the San Diego local freight house on April 22, when ways and means were discussed for obtaining more business in connection with the summer excursion rates. More than a hundred were in attendance, all departments being well represented, particularly the mechanical, car shops, purchasing and stores departments. Talks were made by Mr. Hagaman; T. F. O'Connell, who acted as toastmaster; Auditor L. J. Masson;
Treasurer W. G. Daniels; Purchasing Agent F. J. Lantry; and General Passenger Agent F. E. Watson of Los Angeles.
November, Page 8
When the warehouse force of the San Diego & Arizona Railway at San Diego had difficulty
in obtaining a type of warehouse dollie capable of holding up heavy loads, an appeal was made
to Master Mechanic Tom F. O'Connell with a result that two very fine dollies were soon ready
for service.
O'ConneIl, although neither Scotch in name nor nature, would not buy new materials to make
the dollies, but, after several trips to the salvage pile, picking out a piece of steel here and a
few bolts and wheels there, produced two of the most serviceable pieces of freight-handling
equipment to be found in any warehouse.
Features of the shop-made dollies are: the welding of iron frame and platform direct to
the axles, which makes them unusually strong, and the wide wheels, which allow easy
movement over rough spots.
H. C. Fritz, veteran of 35 years in San Diego freight station with his pet dollie.
December, Page17
By J. C. Turner Agent, San Diego & Arizona, San Diego
Although San Diego had its first rainy evening of the season October 27, it did not prevent an enthusiastic "Get - together - Get - More - Business" meeting of San Diego & Arizona and Southern Pacific officials and employes which was held in the local freight office at San Diego on that evening.
Out-of-town visitors included G. J. Blech, G. F. A., and T. F. Fitzgerald, T. P. A., Southern Pacific, Los Angeles; C. F. Matlin, com'l agent, S. D. A., Los Angeles; J. H. Williams, T. F. & P. A., and L. B. Majors, agent. of Southern Pacific, El Centro.
All S. D. & A. officials and seventy S.D.& A. employes representing every department of the road were present. A. D. Hagaman, D. F. & P. A., acted as chairman and managed to get most everyone from agents to president of the road to stand up and say something during the meeting.
Mr. Blech spoke about the element of interest there was in railroad work, and the necessity of close cooperation between the various departments to assure success.
F. B. Dorsey, T. M., S. D. & A., who had just returned that day from an extended trip East, told in an interesting manner of conditions he found back there, and of his gratification for the large turnout at the meeting.
A. T. Mercier, president and general manager, spoke about the wonderful growth of San Diego during the past five years, and the necessity of friendly relationship between our railroad and the public, reminding all employes that only through them could the officials of any railroad gain favor with the public.
Unfortunately for some of the boys of the Traffic Department, Auditor L. J. Masson was present, and their statements of the amount of business secured had, of course, to be limited to an array of cold, hard figures, which he seemed to have readily available. The auditor also made a talk, and the "expense account boys" seemed to shift around kind of uncomfortable in their seats until he had finished. Like all auditors, of course, he just had to have more money, and the Traffic Department men could not interpret his speech otherwise than to mean: Get out and get more business.
"Tom" Fitzgerald, from the general passenger office, Los Angeles, brought a personal message from F. E. Watson, G. P. A., thanking all employes for the many tips turned in. Fitzgerald, thinking the passenger men were in the minority, upheld the reputation of that department, and made the longest speech of the evening, making a special play to the feminine portion of the audience, and, when San Diego's nine o'clock curfew whistle blew at the gas works in the next block, Tom thought it was applause and took a fresh start.
Delicious refreshments furnished by Commissary Supt. Barker closed an enjoyable and profitable evening.
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