Southern Pacific Bulletin
April, Page 13
Popular Porter of S. D. & A. Is Known From Coast to Coast
Willis Taylor, chief waiter and porter, needs no introduction to employes of the San Diego & Arizona Railway Company or to the traveling public. He is known from coast to coast for his wonderful smile and courtesy.
Willis made the maiden trip on the San Diego & Arizona when it was first opened December 10, 1919, and has been on the job every day since, rain or shine.
He first started on the Pacific Coast with the Southern Pacific on the now famous Golden State Limited out of Los Angeles in 1912. In all, Willis has been handling the travelling public for thirty years, starting his railroad career with the Pullman Company out of Denver.
Willis says he attributes his good health to being able to smile at all times and under any condition, which is, after all, a might'y good method to pattern after.
May, Page 6
San Diego Employes Plan Record Breaking Traffic Season
In the best attended and most enthusiastic meeting ever held by employes of the San Diego & Arizona and Southern Pacific at San Diego, plans were outlined for making the coming season a record breaker, from a passenger traffic standpoint. The meeting was held April 11 and was promoted by the Purchasing & Stores Department and was presided over by F. J. Lantry, purchasing agent.
Efforts are particularly being directed toward obtaining a record list of passengers for the special through train of San Diego county people to Chicago over the Carriso Gorge and Golden State routes on May 22 when the excursion rates go into effect. Short talks were made by F. E. Watson, general passenger agent of Southern Pacific; F. B. Dorsey, traffic manager, A. D. Hagaman, assistant general freight and passenger agent, and T. F. O'Connell, superintendent of motive power, of the San Diego & Arizona. The principal speaker of the evening, and invited guest, was Judge Shelly J. Higgins of the Superior Court."
Music was provided by William Franks, piano solos, Carmille Bernardini, saxophone solos; and Marion Davies, soprano solos, being accompanied by Mrs. W. F. Ever. Refreshments were served by the S.D.&A. dining car department, under supervision of W. H. Barker.
June, Page 28
Sports Big Feature of San Diego Picnic
Prize winners lined up to receive their awards at the picnic of San Diego & Arizona Railway employees held early in May at Clover Flat.
THE San Diego and Arizona Railway picnic, May 6, at Clover Flat was attended by more than three hundred officers, employes and their friends. Through the kindness of F. A. Weller, his cabin and grounds were utilized as a site, making an ideal spot.
The special train furnished by the management and manned by Conductor Dan Armstrong, Brakeman Dave Kenmuir and Don Little, Engineer Bill Blakeman and Fireman Gene Thompson, who gave their services gratis, left San Diego Union Station at 8:00 a. m., arriving Clover Flat at 11:00 a. m., after an enjoyable ride of seventy-five miles, fifty-five of which were through picturesque Old Mexico.
San Hicks, of the Commissary Department, dispensed ice cream and lemonade, augmenting lunch brought by the picnickers. The great mystery of this event being where Walter Ham, bantam weight dot and dash purveyor, stowed all the ice cream and pie. It is rumored that some time later, on stooping to pick up the horse shoes, pie was seen to ooze out of his ears.
Races were next on the program. Harry Schaper, wielder of the megaphone, had rustled nearly a hundred prizes which were awarded to contestants and to the winners of lucky numbers at a huge drawing by the entire assembly. Seventy valuable and useful prizes were given in the drawing contest. The good work of Frank Lantry's hand is seen in this connection.
Judge of events, F. B. Dorsey, was called upon to make some close decisions in the races which were started by Gordon Mangels.
Swimming in the large pool, baseball, horseshoe contests and dancing in the cabin were then in order. Ben Diffenbaugh took the day off, gathered together his orchestra and furnished music for the dancing enroute and at the cabin free of charge. The efforts of his organization were thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated by every one. Ben also did some fine work ballyhooing for the side show which consisted of "The Trained Seals," "Movies of Mutt and Jeff," and the "Johnstown flood." One woman spectator became so absorbed in viewing the "Flood" she received the contents of the ''big splash" three times before realizing she was all wet. The show was arranged and operated by our first trick dispatcher Al Wyttenbach, whose efforts training seals and otherwise preparing for the affair contributed materially to its success.
Welton Grosdidier, staff photographer and adviser to the fair sex of tunnel locations, was a busy man in the tunnel district. The leading questions being "How far to the next tunnel?" and "How long is it!" Welton was not seen taking any pictures in the tunnels. Whether he took any thing else is a deep dark secret.
The life of a perfectly good shirt was considerably shortened by F. M. Grace while packing sacked ice down the steep trail on his back.
In addition to the many accomplishments of Eddie Smith has been added that of piano mover. Ed., together with several heavies, carried the piano up and down the steep trail from baggage car to cabin and back in such a manner as to provoke the envy of the big hookmen. His prowess lies not only in strength however. The acceleration of the feminine heart in his presence indicates he is also smooth.
The Kiddies had the time of their lives both on and off the train. Roller skates which had been won at the races being employed by them to traverse the length of the train.
Leaving the cabin at five o'clock the party arrived San Diego at 7:50 p. m., the trip having ended as all good picnics should; every one tired but happy.
Don Little, who engineered the event and those who so ably assisted him are receiving justly due congratulations.
December, Page 11
San Diego Man Gives Service That Makes Friends
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jones of Chula Vista, California, through the medium of the Bulletin, wish to express their sincere appreciation of the service rendered them by J. H. Hammond of the Passenger Department of the San Diego and Arizona Railway, at San Diego. Mr. Hammond went out of his way to obtain and deliver a reservation to them at Chula Vista. Mr. Hammond is a "live wire" and his type of service has made many friends for the railroad.
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