Southern Pacific Bulletin
May-June, Page 11
San Diego Employes Hold Big "Get Together" Meeting
One of the largest get-together meetings ever held by the San Diego & Arizona Railway Company took place April 14, when more than 300 employes assembled in the Chamber of Commerce auditorium at San Diego. It was the first local gathering of employes since early last winter. Every officer and employe who was not absent from the city on business or doing night duty was present.
F. L. Annable, president and general manager, was called to San Francisco to attend an important conference, but sent a letter of commendation for the entire personnel. It was read by J. R. Lowe, general superintendent, who presided.
Optimism was the keynote of brief addresses made by H. P. Monahan, general passenger agent of the Southern Pacific; Guy Hudgins, principal of the Sweetwater Union high school; and A. D. Hagaman, joint passenger representative of the Southern Pacific and San Diego & Arizona lines.
Through the courtesy of the Thearle Music Company, the entertainment began with "Amos n' Andy." Vocal solos were given by Miss Gene Petrokoskie, soprano, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Smith. A playlet, "Who's a Coward?" was given by Miss Norma Williams, Jack Wolff and Richard Cudding of Mrs. Easley's dramatic school. Dancing followed, music being furnished by Yard Foreman Ben Diffenbaugh's orchestra, after which refreshments were served by the dining car department of the railway company.
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