Southern Pacific Bulletin
January, Page 26-27
San Diego & A. E. Ry.
Al. Wyttenbach, Telegrapher "KN" San Diego
Brakeman Harry Crothers' daughter was injured when her auto overturned near Colton. . . . George Culley, TFA, in San Francisco Hospital receiving the double "O." . . . Foreman Jim Moore being relieved by George Pray due to illness. . . . Yardman Sid Eaton fell and cracked some ribs, now back at work. . . . Henry Ward, cashier San Ysidro, returned to work after a spell of illness. . . . Ben Diffenbaugh, yardman, off a week due to sickness.
Joe Lawson, store driver, is proud daddy of a new son, John Michael. . . . D. L. McNaughton, traffic dept., as usual takes his vacation to spend Christmas in San Francisco. . . . Lillian Rottman, steno., traffic dept., saved a few days of her vacation to finish Christmas shopping. . . . New cars are being driven by Grace De Cunea and Frank Williams. . . . Engineer Chris Brown and wife Nell were installed as worthy patron and matron of Silver Strand Chapter, OES. . . . Fred Gay, timekeeper, spent the last installment of his vacation at Salton sea. . . . "OB" Landau, asst. agent Chula Vista, building a fine new home there. A house warming soon, maybe, eh "OB"?
Don Little, trainmaster's clerk, and Doc Frye, yardman, to Lower California in quest of abalones. . . . Roadmaster Clarence Vincent, number one nimrod, always gets his limit of quail. . . . Dick Love also ranks high in quail hunting;
wishes he could shoot everything that sounds like a quail. . . . Pete Olaney caught a ring-tailed cat and gave it to San Diego Zoo. . . . Your visiting friends will be interested to know that San Diego Zoo is now the largest in the world. . . . Joe Malter visiting at San Bernardino. ... A Happy New Year to von all.
February, Page 15
San Diego & A. E. Ry.
Al. Wyttenbach, Telegrapher "KN" San Diego
Charles W. Abendroth, civil engineer, died January 11. He began his railroad career with the PRR, was location engineer on the CM&StP during construction in the Bitter Root Mountains, coming to the SD&SE in 1912, which later became part of the SD&AE. . . . Fireman Lloyd Norse's mother passed on recently. . . . Roadmaster Clarence Vincent is happy over putting on an extra gang on the east end. . . . John Lewis, foreman Coyote Wells, supplied the force at Eighth Street with some nice desert holly for the holidays.
Conductor Earl Hicks in General Hospital. . . . Fireman Ed Pohle in hospital at San Diego. . . . Engineer Carl Cummins back at work after long illness. . . . Clarence Knight, agent Chula Vista, on the job after short illness. . . . Yardman Bill Murrin also able to be back after being ill. . . . Nels Christianson, car foreman, took his brother from the East to see the Rose Festival at Pasadena. Later, Chris went to General Hospital. . . . Charles "Slim" Clayton, brakeman, retired December 26. He worked for various roads as brakeman and conductor, entering the service of this road in 1918.
The family of our Dr. Tom O'Connell is elated over the arrival last month of a daughter, Patricia Ann. Dr. Tom is doing as well as can be expected.. . . Roy Perkins, bridge and building carpenter, is busy settling in his newly-purchased home. . . . Laura Dahl, agent Jacumba, is spending a month of the winter in Minnesota. Bob Stewart is acting agent in her absence. . . . Fred Bakeman and wife visited in Los Angeles and Sacramento. . . . Peter Pappas, foreman dos Cabezas, spent a couple of weeks at Lodi visiting relatives and friends. . . . Bob and Joe Binder and families spent the holidays at Pasadena.
Stanley Brown has finished his apprenticeship, stepping into higher mechanics in the locomotive shops. . . . Walter Cassidy is acting assistant foreman at machine shop. . . . Welton Grodidier, valuation clerk, spent a cool and moist week on the hill with the State railroad commissioners. He received among other Christmas gifts, a prospector's pick, which may indicate a new line of endeavor for the versatile Welton. . . . Buster Barrett and Mike Abramson have returned from Canada for the celery season. Buster is at Chula Vista, Mike at Boal . . . Alfred Clark, Sanitary department, spent a week at Salinas.
March, Page 17
San Diego & A. E. Ry.
Al. Wyttenbach, Telegrapher "KN" San Diego
Wife of Demetrio Aguilera died recently. . . . Ernest Ebersole, chief clerk to master mechanic, is in the hospital. . . . Joe Binder has returned to San Francisco Hospital. . . . Archie Strader, general foreman, round house, on sick list a short time. . . . Son of Harry Richards, airman, is also in hospital. . . . R. Sanchez, San Diego Yard, on sick list. . . . Glenn Frye, engine foreman, sick at home. . . . Released from hospital and returned to work. Nels Christianson, car foreman; Conductor Earl Hicks; Ed Pohle, engineman.
N. M. "Mike" Du Fort, veteran car inspector, retired Feb. 1. He began work for SP on Tucson Division in 1906, went to San Joaquin Division in 1908 and to SD&A in 1914. His co-workers presented him with a bag and billfold.
February 8 was SP-SDAE night at the meeting of the Transportation Club of San Diego at the San Diego Hotel. George Culley, TFA, was chairman and J. R. Lowe, SDAE sup't, and V. Frizzell, AGFA, SPCo., were principal speakers. Messrs. Hagaman, DF&PA; O'Connell, master mechanic; and Diffenbaugh, business-getter's chairman, also spoke briefly. . . . The San Diego Passenger association also held their meeting in February at El Cortez Hotel. Geo. Hanson, GPA, SPCo., and Traffic Manager Dorsey, SDAE, represented their roads.
F. L. Annable, president SD&AE, was elected president of the Fine Arts Society of San Diego. . . . W. C. Cameron, purchasing agent's office, relieving chief clerk to master mechanic temporarily. , . . Harry Binder transferred from yard clerk to car repairer, San Diego yard. . . . Jerry Green employed to fill yard clerk's job. . . . Section Foreman Bill Newberry transferred Campo to Seeley; Foreman Daves, La Mesa to Jacumba; Foreman Shelton, to Campo, and Foreman George Pray to La Mesa. . . . Trainmen Bill Finley and Lloyd Foote have returned from leave of absence.
April, Page 15
San Diego Model Railway Club is building an extension of the San Diego & AE Ry. on the second floor of the freight house at 13th and Imperial in San Diego. They expect to be ready for a public exhibition this fall.
April, Page 23
San Diego & AE Ry.
Jack Fiedler, night roundhouse foreman, San Diego, was improving very slowly from the serious injuries received when beaten during a holdup. He was attacked on the way home from work and was found by police lying unconscious in a vacant lot. . . . Traffic Manager F. B. Dorsey was ill for a few weeks. . . . Fred Bakeman, car shops representative on SD&AE's very active business-getting committee, is recovering from an operation at San Francisco Gen'l Hospital early in March.
May, Page 22
San Diego & AE Ry.
Some cleverly illustrated letters from his San Diego friends were received by Fred Bakeman, car shops representative on SD&AE's business-getting committee, when he was in Gen'l Hospital for an operation. Bakeman is now convalescing at his home.
June, Page 8-9
San Diegans Enjoy Program of Fun, Music and Talks
(Left) Players in skit "The Wooden Axle Runs a Special Train," which group also closed the program with a song parody. Left to right: Ben Diffenbaugh. Harry Douglas, R. N. McCreery, C. E. Knight, W. C. Cameron, D. L. McNaughton. H. W. Jones, and "Miss Twiddle" Grosdidier at the organ.
ANOTHER of those delightful "railroad family" evenings that combined serious thought on business getting with a program of fun, music and lively skits, was staged April 29 by the energetic Employes' Business-Getting Committee of the San Diego & Arizona Eastern Ry.
Engine Foreman Ben Diffenbaugh, chairman of the committee since its organization two years ago,was master of ceremonies.
As the "keynoter" leading off the program, Rate Clerk R. N. McCreery urged employes and members of their families to make it a habit to be on the lookout for prospective rail business. "The fellow at the foot of the seniority list," he said, "doesn't have to be told that the more business (and jobs) there are, the further it's going to put him above the foot of the list."
Entertainment features included a "quiz" conducted by Geo. Culley, in which the audience participated for prizes; a humorous skit about the "Wooden Axle Railroad" (see players below) ; accordion numbers by Shirley Wollenhaupt; vocal numbers by Fred Chino and Miss Mary Chino, accompanied by Miss Sackimoto; and a hilarious closing song.
Brief talks were made by President and General Manager F. L. Annable; Geo. B. Hanson and V. F. Frizzell, SP traffic officials from Los Angeles; R. M. Gilmore, special representative SP Pass. Dept.; and W. C. Cameron, chief clerk to master mechanic, SD&AE. H. Douglas handled the refreshments.
(Left) Audience that enjoyed program of SD&AE Business-Getting Committee April 29.
(Left) R. N. McCreery, rate clerk, made "keynoter" speech.
June, Page 14
San Diego & Arizona Eastern recently carried members of the San Diego Miniature Railroad Club on a two-day outing, the main purpose being to view Carriso Gorge at night. Besides thrilling to the spectacle of powerful searchlights playing up and down the gorge, club members were keenly interested in the narrow gauge equipment of the Pacific Portland Cement Co. at Plaster City and in an excursion train leaving Mexicali for a railroad celebration in Lower California.
July, Page 9
Fred L. Annable Retires; Changes on SD&AE
Retirement of Fred L. Annable as president and general Manager of the San Diego & Arizona Eastern Railway was effective June 1, together with other important changes in the official staff of the railway.
A. T. Mercier, well known in San Diego by reason of his residence there when he was president of the SD&AE from 1927 to 1929, succeeded Mr. Annable as president of the road. At
the same time Mr. Mercier retains his position as vice president, executive department of the Southern Pacific, with headquarters in San Francisco.
D. J. Russell became vice president and general manager of the SD&AE, having immediate direction over the operation of the road. Headquarters of Mr. Russell, who is
also superintendent of SP's Los Angeles division, are in San Diego and Los Angeles. This will have the general effect of bringing the parent company, Southern Pacific,
into closer relationship with the shipping and traveling public of San Diego.
In addition to these changes among the executive and operating officers, changes were announced also in the
traffic department. A. D. Hagaman became traffic manager of the San Diego & Arizona Eastern, continuning as DF&PA for SP. F.B. Dorsey was appointed assistant traffic manager.
Mr. Annable retires after 47 years continuous railroad service, 11 years with the SD&AE as president. He began his railroad career with the Santa Fe in 1893, at San Bernardino, serving
in various capacities for more than 10 years. From 1904 to 1910 he was with the Southern Pacific and the Los Angeles and Salt Lake lines. In the latter year he was made general superintendent of the Arizona & Swansea Railroad and in 1911 took a position on the official staff
of the Pacific Electric Railway. He became general superintendent of that property in 1913, which position he held until 1929, when he was made president and general manager of the SD&AE at San Diego.
Greatly interested in civic and cultural affairs, Mr. Annable has sereved as president of the San Diego Chamber of Commerce and as an officer or director of other community organizations.
The San Diego & Arizona Eastern Railway is a wholly owned subsidiary of the SP. Its main line extends from San Diego eastward to connection with SP lines at El Centro in the Imperial Valley.
August, Page 11
San Diego Committee Is "Hot" For Business
TOP honors for persistent activity along business getting lines must go to the employes of the SD&AE who have just entered their third year of practical, organized effort in support of their railroad and its SP connection. To maintain an undiminished enthusiasm over such a period is no small task, but these men have done it, and the results accomplished have well rewarded their persistence.
Their efforts are not confined solely to personal solicitation of freight and passenger traffic or supplying traffic representatives with information that will aid in such solicitation. When traffic is lost to their railroad, they attempt to find out why it was lost and to rectify conditions leading to its loss. Further, they remain alert to conditions that might make for loss of traffic in the future and to correct such conditions before the loss occurs.
An outstanding feature of their organization is the manner in which they cooperate with the management, handling all details of their committee work in such a manner as to support and not interfere with the workings of the regular organization.
On their committee is a representative from every branch of the railroad's service. Yard Foreman B. E. Diffenbaugh has been the energetic chairman since the plan was started, and J. W. Grosdidier is the secretary. Other committeemen are: C. N. Brown, W. C. Cameron, G. 0. Culley, A. Dalgleish, D. D. Diebert, H. Douglas, W. A. Douthett, W. H. Hudson, H. W. Jones, C. E. Knight, D. Little, A. C. R. McDonald, R. N. McCreery, D. L. McNaughton, and R. E. Perkins.
December, Page 8
Death Calls Two Veteran Traffic Officers
THE death Nov. 27 of A. D. Hagaman, 61, traffic manager of San Diego & Arizona Eastern and DF&PA for SP at San Diego, and of Alvin C. Hedlund, 52, gen'l agent, Freight Dept., Dec. 2 at Chicago, shocked their associates and many friends in the territories where for years they had been active in civic and traffic affairs.
Coming to Southern Pacific in 1901 after brief service with two other roads, Mr. Hagaman started as a telegraph operator at Ontario. In 1910 he went to San Diego as commercial agent for SP. He returned to Los Angeles in 1918 during Federal control and the following year went back to San Diego as DF&PA for both the SP and SD&ARy. It was last June that he advanced to the position held at the time of his death.
Mr. Hedlund joined SP as clerk at the Chicago Gen'l Agency in Sept. '03. He was foreign freight agent when war closed that agency in 1918. At termination of Federal control he returned as chief clerk, then foreign freight agt. again, and district pass. agt. In 1926 he became gen'l agt., Pass. Dept., and has held his recent position since 1927.
December, Page 21
Telgr. Henry S. Fitzpatrick, "KN" San Diego, retired recently and received a chair,
a smoking stand and other gifts, including a miniature telephone which he prizes very highly.
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