Southern Pacific Bulletin
January, Page 4
Fielding Gets Important Traffic Promotion
THOMAS FIELDING, for the past three years district freight agent for SP at Los Angeles, on Jan. 1 became traffic
manager of the San Diego & Arizona Eastern and district freight and passenger agent for the SP with
headquarters at San Diego, succeeding the late A. D. Hagaman. A native of Denver, Mr. Fielding started his
railroad career in 1907 as a clerk for the Burlington. He held various positions with that road in Colorado before
coming to SP in Sept. 1921 as manifest clerk in the Gen'l Freight Office at Los Angeles. The following year he
advanced to freight agent and then to assistant industrial agent in 1936.
March, Page 14
SAN DIEGO meeting (above) was the first in group of gatherings pictured here. SP'ers joined with SD&AE traffickers to interchange suggestions and ideas along the lines of passenger solicitation. Conditions in the extreme southern part of the state were discussed by all, led by GPA Geo. B. Hanson, Nels Kinnell, ass't gen'l passenger agt. and T. Fielding, DF&PA for SP at San Diego and SD&AE Traffic Mgr.
March, Page 21
Miscellaneous: Yardman Wm. J. Murrin, of the SD&AE at San Diego, retired Feb. 10 to be presented with a bill fold and beautiful glass vase by his co-workers. He started with the CB&Q in 1895, and was with several other roads before coming to the SD&AE in 1918. . . . Annuity applications approved for: Win. O. Erskine, waiter, Dining Car Dept.;
Fred O. Lorke, porter, Hospital Dept.
November, Page 16
San Diego's Rails; Traffic Manager Tom Fielding, of the San Diego & Arizona Eastern, gave an enlightening discussion on the development and importance of rail transportation serving the city now booming with national defense activities, in his talk over radio station KGB recently as a feature in a series entitled "Know Your San Diego."
December, Page 21
SD&AE: J. Frank Heisman, section and yard gang foreman, retired Nov. 16,
after 32 years' service with the SD&AE. He began railroading in 1899,
but didn't join the SD& until 1909, when it was the San Diego Southern.
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