Southern Pacific Bulletin
July, Page 28
San Diego & Arizona Eastern:
Annuity approved: Leroy B. Kelsey, engineer, Carriso Gorge Division.
July, Page 29
Pensioner: Leroy B. Kelsey, engineer, May 21.
August, Page 28
Congratulations to each of the following who announced the arrival of a daughter:
Ben Wyly, SD&AE section forman, May 29;
Mike Foncerrada, train service clerk, SD&AE, March 5.
August, Page 29
Mary Bell Connely, SD&AE stenographer, San Diego, to James Griffin.
SD&AE: Pensioner: George W. Hufbauer, telegrapher, July 9.
December, Page 27
Looking Around
SAN DIEGO; Program to keep employes of the district freight and passenger office informed on traffic matters at a series of semi-weekly meetings was successfully launched last month. Present were (front row. l-r): Joe Bartlett, Harold Orner, J. C. Kelly: (2nd row) Barbara Burns, Bonnie Wilson, Thomas Fielding, Alice Freeman, Eric Menard, L. Wells; (3rd row) Vercella Spencer, Marie Brooks, Hilda Melville, C, M. Holmes; (4th row) R. E. Lee, Cora Beckham, Marjorie Kopecinski, Helen Bohner, E. McGlocktin, Marie Bethel: (back) John Gamble, C. P. Wilhite, F. Mored. B. A. Adams. F. W. Piepenbrink, D. L. McNaughton.
December, Page 28
HAROLD ORNER (seated at right), whose promotion to assistant district passenger agent, San Diego, was announced in the November Bulletin, was given a welcome party by his new associates. Present were (left to right, seated): Nels Kinell, asst. genl. passenger agent, Los Angeles; Tom Fielding, traffic manager, SD&AE; H. S. Orner; (standing) W. D. Douthett, traveling passenger agent; L. D. Carroll, city freight and passenger agent; Bruce Adams, traveling passenger agent; D, L. McNaughton, chief of military bureau; G. O. Culley, traveling freight agent; Herman Kefel, city ticket agent; Joe Bartleft, chief of Pullman and information bureau; W. E. Rosendale, traveling passenger agent.
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