Southern Pacific Bulletin
January, Page 9
FIRST SD&AE GIRL to join armed forces is Lupe Reyes (left) who last month signed up for WAC service.
Helping her fill out her application is Vivian King, WAC recruiting officer, while Tom Fielding, SD&AE traffic manager, looks on.
For the past two years, Lupe has been helping servicemen and civilians with transportation problems as information and reservation clerk in the San Diego ticket office.
February, Page 11
TELEPHONE VOICE TEST for new employes in Los Angeles and San Diego service bureaus is important part of training
program conducted by General Passenger Dept. Taking part in voice test are (left to right) Ruth Green.
Martha Miller. Beverly Musselwhite. Grace Diffenbaugh. Virginia Crandall.
February, Page 30
SD&AE: Annuity approved: Glenn D. Frye, engine foreman.
August, Page 27
WM. G. DANIELS retired June 30 as assistant treasurer and and tax agent-secretary of the SD&AE after 40
years of railroading. With previous railroad experience, Daniels became head bookkeeper of the SD&AE
in 1914, later served as chief accountant and cashier. The popular veteran will devote his leisure time
to British Relief Society work, lawn bowls and other activities with which he has been prominently identified.
September, Page 24
Engineering: Edward A. Peterson, general track foreman on SD&AE, to general track foreman, Salt Lake Division.
December, Page 28
Fred N. Johnson to asst. trainmaster on SD&AE. Beginning in June, 1929, he worked as brakeman on SD&AE until August, 1935, when he became a conductor.
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