Southern Pacific Bulletin
March-April, Page 19
TRAFFIC: Charles H. Howard, to asst. district passenger agent, San Diego.
March-April, Page 23
Bruce Adams, passenger agent, San Diego, Feb. 7
May-June, Page 17
CONGRATULATIONS to Floy Richmond, secty. to traffic manager, SD&AE Ry., on her election to presidency of the San Diego Chapter of Executives' Secretaries, Inc., are given by George Hansen, passenger traffic mgr., LA, and Floy's boss, Tom Fielding, who also is DF&PA for Southern Pacific. Floy was installed as the newly-organized Chapter's first president on April 15.
May-June, Page 22
MISCELLANEOUS: John W. Chapman, chief rate clerk, SD&AE.
July-August, Page 21
SD&AE: Martin Flores, sec. laborer.
November-December, Page 16
One award goes to Mrs. Bill Vizner of San Diego. Mrs. Vizner writes: "I wait anxiously for my husband who is an engineer on the S.D. and A.E.RY. to bring home the S. P. Bulletin. I enjoy the magazine as a whole, but turn first
to the SP Family at Home. I'd like to pass along my recipe for Swiss Steak to others who, like myself, follow this page each month."
Mrs. Vizner's Recipe
First I prepare 2 lbs. top round steak, 1-1/2 inches thick, by pounding into it 1/2 cup flour, and salt and pepper to suit the taste. Next I heat 1/2 cup oil in a heavy iron skillet (don't use one with a wooden handle!) and in it brown the meat on both sides. Then I cover the meat with 1/2 cup chopped celery, 1/2 cup chopped onion and a small glass of claret wine.
I then cover the skillet tightly and put it into a moderate oven (350 degrees) for 2 hours. At serving time I remove meat and add 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce, 1 tablespoon catsup, and 1 small can mushrooms to the sauce left in the skillet, with enough water to make gravy, thickening it to the proper consistency with flour-&-water paste. Makes 6 to 8 servings.
Mrs. William Vizner, one of this month's recipe winners, looks approvingly at her cake mixture. This was probably the dessert for her delicious prize-winning "Swiss Steak San Diego" recipe, printed on this page. Mrs. Vizner is wife of SD&AE engineer.
Nov.-Dec., Page 23
MISC.: Pensioners: Peter J. Pappas, sec. foeman, SD&AE.
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