Southern Pacific Bulletin
July, Page 35-36
SD&AE Railway
Head Reporter, Floy Richmond.
The main excitement around the San Diego office recently was news that Bill Douthett, TPA, won an automatic
washer, and John Chapman, retired chief rate clerk, won a mixmaster at the Southern Pacific picnic in Los Angeles.
We finally managed to get two of the prizes down this way. The last time was about four years ago.
Tom Fielding, TM, has returned from a visit with his brother in San Francisco. . . . C. H. Walden, ticket clerk,
reports a wonderful trip to Las Vegas, Zion, Bryce, Yellowstone and Grand Canyon. . . . Ticket Clerk Jack Hunt
and family visited Sequoia National Park where they fished, relaxed and enjoyed the scenery. . . . Pat Mottram,
chief rate clerk, and wife, visited their son and his family in Norfolk, Va., and stopped at Cincinnati,
Chicago and St. Paul on the way home.
July, Page 46
John King, B&B foreman, SD&AE.
August, Page 45
SD&AE Railway
Head Reporters Floy Richmond.
Jean O'Neill, ticket clerk, has gone to Portsmouth, Va., to join her husband who has been transferred there with the
Navy. . . . Herman Kefel, CTA, vacationing at home. . . , TFA Kenny Frye, wife and son are spending their
vacation in New Orleans and Biloxi.
August, Page 47
John R. Lowe, engineer, MofW, SD&AE, July 7.
September, Page 36
SD&AE Railway
Head Reporter: Floy Richmond.
Welcome to Mary Rasco, ticket clerk, CTO, on loan from Los Angeles Reservation Bureau. . . . Grace De Cunea,
ticket clerk, CTO, vacationed in the Pacific Northwest. She was accompanied home by her granddaughter, Donna,
who has been visiting her maternal grandparents in Spokane. . . . Alice Yeager, Barbara Burns, and Jack Wilkinson
like the San Diego climate and scenery so well they all spent their vacations at home.
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