Southern Pacific Bulletin
January, Page 31
SD&AE Railway
Head Reporter: Floy Richmond.
Vacations: Joe Lee, retired cashier ot
Freight Office, and his wife. had a delightful time in Cuba; Tom Fielding
drove to San Francisco; Herman Kefel,
CTA, and his wife visited relatives in
Long Beach. . . . Joe Bartlett has moved
into his new home. . . . Erne McGlocklin. ticket clerk, attended the Galilean
Shrine No. 30 holiday party. She is
Worthy Chaplain of that association.
Father of Barbara Burns, ticket clerk,
came from Cincinnati to spend the holidays with her.
February, Page 43
SD&AE Railway
Head Reporter: Floy Richmond.
Barbara Burns, ticket clerk, and her father, who visited her over the Holidays from Cincinnati,
attended the Rose Parade and Rose Bowl Game. . . . Pat McIlwaine, ticket clerk, vacationed early this
year so she could spend a week with her husband before he left for sea duty with the Navy. . . . Sympathy
to Engineer Roy Robinson on the loss of his wife.
April, Page 39
SD&AE Railway
Head Reporter: Floy Richmond.
Jim Grigg is now stockman's assistant in the Store Department and his former position of steno-teletype operator
in the DF&PA office has been taken by former ticket clerk Pat McIlwaine. . . . Sympathy to Effie Mc-Glocklin,
ticket clerk, on the loss of her brother. ... A safety meeting and family "get-together" was held April 1 and we
enjoyed an outstanding program. . . . Chief Clerk Pat Mottram and his wife had a lovely weekend at Warners' Hot Springs.
April, Page 47
Charles Clayton, brakeman, SD&AE Ry.
May, Page 28
SD&AE Railway
Head Reporter; Floy Richmond.
Sorry to report the death of TPA Mannie Adler's brother, in San Francisco, on April 4th. . . .
C. E. Knight, telegrapher, has been named local freight agent. . . . Mary E. McIlwaine's husband
returned to San Diego on the aircraft carrier Shangri-La and expects to be in San Diego until
June. . . . C. J. Wells, cashier, vacationed at home taking care of his chinchillas. . . .
Estelle Yount, secy., Supt. Office, vacationed in Sacramento. . . . Muriel Hodgeman, steno.,
Supt. Office, and husband, Al, recently drove their sport car to Palm Springs for the
races. . . . Welcome to Toni Perkins, doing vacation relief work at Supt's Office.
SD&AE safety meeting and family get-together was held in the Qualitee Dairy Auditorium,
attended by 240 employes, their families and out of town guests. We were pleased to have
M. A. Nugent of San Francisco and the following from Los Angeles with us: P. D. Robinson,
George B. Hanson, J. H. Pruett, Jr., V. L. Arenth, James G. Shea, L. E. Fritter and 0. R. Rogers.
Supt. Carl Eichenlaub addressed the group and presented safety awards.
The film "Report from Headquarters" was shown and entertainment was furnished by local
SD&AE talent. A. Wyttenbach was master of ceremonies.
May, Page 43
SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENT awards for not having a reportable injury since date of employment
with SD&AE were awarded to (l-r) C. N. Brown, engineer, (1906); A. E. Keller,
conductor (1941); Refugio Sanchez, trackwalker, (1912); R. Holloway, truck driver-clerk, (1920).
May, page 49
Richard Love, freight agent, SD&AE.
June, Page 37
SD&AE Railway
Head Reporter: Floy Richmond.
TM Tom. Fielding has been reelected to the Board of Governors of the San Diego Club for a
three year term. . . . Fielding's brother, Jack Fielding, AFTM, Houston, vacationed in
San Diego. ... Ed Leahy, TPA, back on the job after a siege of the mumps. . . . Your
reporter and husband vacationed for a week at Lake Mead and Las Vegas. . . . Understand
CFA Jack Wilkinson has been bitten by the "golf bug." . . . Best wishes for a speedy
recovery to Clerk Irene McInerny's husband who has been ill.
July, Page 25
SD&AE Railway
Head Reporter: Floy Richmond,
Sorry to report that Tkt. Clk. Effie McGlocklin was injured in an automobile accident
while returning from an Eastern Star party in San Bernardino. No broken bones but she
suffered from shock and bruises. . . . Steno-Tel. Opr. Pat McIlwaine and husband vacationed
a week in Ventura. . . . Chf. Clk. Pat Mottram and his wife attended the Northern Pacific
Veterans Assn. annual convention at Billings, Montana and then went to the Black Hills
country to visit a son. ... Ed Leahy, TPA, and family toured Yellowstone Park and visited
relatives in Nebraska.
August, Page 57
In 1907 Southern Pacific and the Spreckels interests began construction of the San Diego
and Arizona Railway between San Diego and El Centro, California. The difficult and costly
engineering work was still underway when the first World War broke. In order that work
could continue, the road was released from federal control, the only railroad in the country
so released. It was opened to through traffic on December 1, 1919. Various branches,
including lines to Coronado and El Cajon, some dating from 1887, were acquired in 1917.
On February 1, 1933, SP acquired full ownership of the 200-mile line, including the
Tiajuana & Tecate Railway, extending through 44 miles of Mexico, by purchasing the portion
of capital stock held by the Spreckels interests. The name was changed to San Diego
& Arizona Eastern Ry. Co. Passenger service was discontinued in January, 1951. Freight
trains are now predominantly diesel powered.
September, Page 22
SD&AE Railway
Head Reporter: Floy Richmond.
Vacations: Tom Fielding went to Lake Tahoe; Grace DeCunea visited Spokane;
Gene Hallan traveled to Seattle; Effie McGlocklin visited her son and family
in Spokane to get acquainted with a new grandson she had never
seen. . . . Joe Bartlett went to see relatives in San Pedro; Mannie Adier
and his wife went to Phoenix; Herman Kefel and his wife visited
relatives in Long Beach; Jack Wilkinson to L. A.
September, Page 47
C. N. BROWN (second from left), engineer, SD&AE, retired July 16 after following an injury-free railroad career that spanned 49 years. On hand at a dinner honoring him were (l-r) E. Enright, ret. engr.; C. M. Eichenlaub, supt.; L. E. Fritter, gen. foreman, Taylor Shops; E. Youngs, ret. engr.
October, Page 33
SD&AE Railway
Head Reporter: Floy Richmond.
Tom Fielding, TM, has been appointed chairman of the Legislative
Committee for the San Diego District by the California Railroad
Association. . . . Vacations: Ticket Clerk Bill Piepenbrink and his
wife visited Big Bear; Kenny Frye, TFA, and family went to Northern
California for bear hunting (no luck); Ethel Swedlow, telephone
operator, to Las Vegas; Chief Clerk J. W. Grosdidier, Supt's Office,
to Idyllwild. . . . Speedy recovery wished for Bill Cameron,
chief clerk, MP&C. . . . Tom Fielding, TM, held "SP Day" at
Executives' Association of San Diego luncheon at the Grant Hotel August 29.
October, Page 47
Refugio Sanchez, trackwalker, SD&AE.
November, Page 34
W. E. Eastman, VP&GM San Diego & Arizona Eastern, and V. P. Inter-California Ry. Co.
December, Page 46
Christian Brown, engineer, SD&AE; Harry Richards, freight car inspector, SD&AE.
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