Southern Pacific Bulletin
April, Page 35
SD&AE Railway
Head Reporter: Floy Richmond.
Sam Sering, yardman, retired after 12 years with the SD&AE. . . . Joe McInerny, husband of Clerk
Irene McInerny, has been in the hospital. . . . Al Hodgeman, husband of Secy. Muriel Hodgeman,
Supt's Office, has left for a two-year tour of duty in Japan. . . . SP-SD&AE Bowling Team, which
finished in last place in the first half of the season, is improving its record in the second half.
May, Page 44
SD&AE Railway
Head Reporter: Floy Richmond.
The SP-SD&AE Bowling Team made it into first place in the second half
of the season and hope to maintain their lead. . . . Effie McGlocklin,
ticket clerk, was installed as Worthy High Priestess of Galilean White
Shrine of Jerusalem No. 30 which has a membership of 500. . . . Tom
Fielding, TM, attended the Cotton Convention in El Paso.
May, Page 45
CIGARS, CANDY - Births in Our SP Families
Sons to: Charles Henry, yardmaster, SD&AE.
June, Page 35
SD&AE Railway
Head Reporter: Floy Richmond.
Ticket Clerk Bill Peipenbrink and his wife have moved into their new home in Chula Vista. . . . Erne McGlocklin
vacationed in Cleveland where she attended the Supreme Shrine Convention. . . . Chief Clerk Pat Mottram attended
the Northern Pacific Veterans' Association convention in Minneapolis. . . . Open for business is our new ticket
office in the Spreckels Building.
September, Page 22
We Try Air War On Leafhoppers
OUR railroad took to the air last month in an effort to stamp out the disease-carrying leafhopper from weeds along 92 miles of company right of way in the Imperial Valley.
We engaged airplanes to spray 41 miles from Niland to Calexico, 38 from Calipatria to El Centro via Sandia and Holtville, and 13 from Calipatria to Westmorland, according to W. E. Eastman, superintendent of Yuma Division.
C. M. Eichenlaub, superintendent of the San Diego and Arizona Eastern, our subsidiary, said weeds also will get the aerial treatment along 13 miles of SD&AE right of way from El Centro to Dixieland.
The aerial spraying will blanket all but about 1,000 acres of our right of way in Imperial Valley, the 1,000 acres representing areas generally free of the virus-infested weeds or areas in which ground spraying will occur.
September, Page 47
Deaths in SP Family
David Kenmuir, conductor, SD&AE.
November, Page 19
IN DEEP FOREST at Comptche, northern California, motorists driving between Fort Bragg and Navarro are startled by a crossing sign far from any railroad. It marks the caboose museum of Frank C. Heath, collector of railroadiana. He was switchman for us at San Jose beginning 1902; conductor on the San Diego & Arizona, 1918-20; and one of the few men taken into the Navy with rank of railroad conductor-for the Naval Supply Center at Oakland, from which he retired in 1949. The lady? A dummy. No annoying conversation. Has anyone an old South Pacific Coast switch key to add to Frank's collection?
November, Page 37
SD&AE Railway
Head Reporter: Floy Richmond.
Ticket Clerk Bill Piepenbrink and his wife vacationed at Ojai and
Bass Lake. . . . Jack Wilkinson, CFA, did well in the golf tournament
sponsored by the San Diego Passenger Association and the San Diego
Transportation Club. . SP-SD&AE has again entered the San Diego
Passenger Association Bowling League.
November, Page 45
Alonzo Raine, chief clerk to VP&GM, SD&AE.
December, Page 32
SD&AE Railway
Head Reporter: Floy Richmond.
TFA Kenny Frye acted as master of ceremonies at the recent "Railroad Night" of the San Diego Transportation Club. Also attending were CFA Jack Wilkinson and TF&PA Ed Leahy. . . . Ticket Clerk Barbara Burns has been in Ohio on a short leave. . . . We had the pleasure of having John Chapman, retired chief rate clerk, drop by to see us.
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This page last updated 12/05/2000