Southern Pacific Bulletin
January, Page 14
Frank J. Dobranski, traveling mechanic, San Diego & Arizona Eastern Ry.
January, Page 15

Frank Dobranski, traveling mechanic, SD&AE, San Diego, Calif., 40 years.
July-August, Page 8
W. B. Barker Retires As Supt. of SD&AE
William B. Barker, superintendent of the San Diego & Arizona Eastern Railway, has
retired after a 46-year career with our company and its affiliates.
Succeeding him is W. T. Harral, trainmaster on the SD&AE since May 1, 1968.
Barker joined the former Southern Pacific de Mexico Railroad in 1925 as a rodman
in the Engineering Department at Empalme, Sonora. After serving as assistant
engineer and chief engineer, he became assistant to the president in 1949. When the
Mexican government purchased the line in 1951, he remained with it temporarily as a
consultant to the new owners.
In 1952, he was appointed general manager of the Nacozari Railroad, a Southern
Pacific affiliate in Sonora. He was named to his SD&AE post in 1961.
A civil engineering graduate of the University of Arizona, Harral joined the
company as an engineer-inspector at El Paso in 1957.
July-August, Page 12
W. T. Harral, to superintendent, with headquarters in San Diego.
July-August, Page 14
William B. Barker, Superintendent, SD&AE, San Diego.
September, Page 15
Pensioners: Grace O. DeCunea, ticket clerk; Ruel Wilson, bridge & building
carpenter; Fred M. Gay, clerk; Marguerite D. Martensen, clerk.
October, Page 7
Kearns and Howard Named Asst. Traffic Managers at Los Angeles
Frank T. Kearns and C. H. (Herb) Howard have been named assistant traffic managers at Los Angeles, and Jack Wilkinson moves up to become assistant to traffic manager there.
Succeeding Kearns as assistant general traffic manager at Houston is Richard C. Rayley.
Donald R. Vollmar has been named district traffic representative at Sacramento, succeeding Rayley, and Bruce P. Bair succeeds Vollmar as district traffic representative at Bakersfield, Calif.
Other Los Angeles promotions include the appointment of T. J. McGrail as general traffic representative; D. R. Austin as assistant general traffic representative; P. H. Smith as assistant district traffic representative; J. G. Breen as general representative - trailer-flatcar traffic; and T. P. Flescher as special assistant.
Kearns, who has been assistant general traffic manager at Houston since 1968, is a graduate of Golden Gate College in San Francisco and has completed Stanford's Transportation Management Program. He joined the Traffic Department at San Francisco in 1945. Kearns was named industrial agent at Los Angeles in 1959 and assistant general freight and passenger agent there in 1964.
Howard attended Pasadena Junior College and has also completed Stanford's Transportation Management Program. He joined the Operating Department at Los Angeles in 1936. Following World War II service in the Navy, he transferred to the Passenger Department, serving in various posts at Los Angeles and San Diego, before being named assistant general freight and passenger agent at Los Angeles in 1960.
Wilkinson, who joined the Company at San Diego in 1942, has been district freight agent at Los Angeles since 1970.
Rayley, who has completed the Management Development Program, is a graduate of the University of Oregon. He entered Southern Pacific service in 1962 and has been district traffic representative at Sacramento since 1969.
November, Page14
K. D. Frye, traffic manager of the SD&AE and district traffic representative for Southern Pacific at San Diego, has retired after a 35-year career.
November, Page 15
Pensioners: Frederick W. Kubler, master mechanic, San Diego & Arizona Eastern Ry.
Clifton P. Vurgason, freight carman, San Diego & Arizona Eastern Ry.
December, Page 14
James R. Harris, to traffic, manager, San Diego.
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