Southern Pacific Bulletin
January, Page 15
J. R. Green, roadmaster, SD&AE.
February, Page 15
J. Garcia, laborer and R. Love, laborer, both with SD&AE.
March, Page 15
L. C. Scheuerman, conductor, SD&AE.
August, Page 15
J. R. Green, roadmaster and E. J. Rankin, locomotive engineer; both with SD&AE.
October-November, Page
PR's Jim Shea Completes 44-Year Career
James G. Shea has retired after more than a quarter of a century as head of Southern
Pacific's public relations activities.
Shea, who has been vice president-public relations of both Southern Pacific Company
and its subsidiary, the SP Transportation Company since 1973, wrapped up his 44-year
career on September 30.
Shea joined SP at Los Angeles in 1937 and rose through various sales and public
contact assignments at Palm Springs, San Diego and other Southern California cities.
In 1950, he was appointed public relations director for the Pacific Electric Railway
Company, the former Southern Pacific subsidiary in Los Angeles.
In 1955, he moved to San Francisco as general public relations manager and in 1973
became vice president-public relations, with responsibility for public, press and
community relations.
Shea, a native of Los Angeles, is a second-generation railroader. His father,
Daniel J. Shea, Sr., served as a locomotive engineer on the Los Angeles Division
and retired with 42 years of service.
He is Secretary of the Board of Regents of the University of Santa Clara. He has been
the national president of the Railroad Public Relations Association and a regional
vice president and national director of the Public Relations Society of America.
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This page last updated 12/07/2000