Great Freight I

PSRMA moved eighteen cars and locomotives to our Museum at Campo between July 30th and August 7th of 1983. It was a railroad adventure without equal in the West, if not the world! Two elderly locomotives from the Museum collection manned by the usual PSRMA volunteers moved the Museum rolling stock collection fifty miles over two different railroads, up a steady 1.4% grade and across an international border, covering over 800 miles in ten round trips. Many professional railroaders in San Diego (all non-members) said we'd never make it. Wrong again! (Larry Rose)

The whole story can be read here in Report #187.

At the border

Shay #3 leads across the border


MRS-1's 1820 and 1809
1509 1413
Photos by Robert DiGiorgio

Page by Randy Houk, updated 1-2-2011