(continued from proceeding page)

near future to determine if this extra incentive would result in greater attendance at work parties.

10) The Board okayed Dick Pennick's proposal for a "first spike pulling" ceremony on the Coronado branch of the SD&AE to commemorate the historical signifigance of the end of rail service to that community.

11) The Board accepted Dave Parkinson's recommendation to run an ad in the Sunday edition of the San Diego Union's classified section seeking new members.

The ad is to be run on four consecutive Sundays to determine its effect.

APRIL 6, 1971

1) President Kerr reported the builder's plate on the Shay had been stolen and the other plate had been removed for safe keeping.

2) President Kerr reported on the possible effects of air pollution controls in San Diego County on Museum operations. It was the consensus that most Museum equipment could meet these controls with minor modification.

3) Reporting for General Manager Dave Parkinson, President Kerr announced the rail bus had been moved from the property of Walt Hayward to the property of Bob DiGiorgio.

Dan McLean will be foreman for the line truck restoration project.

4) It was reported that there had been a good response from the ad in the classified ads of the San Diego Union. Bob DiGiorgio reported some 40 persons had called the Museum number on the best Sunday.

The Board directed Dave Parkinson to continue the campaign, but place classified ads in different local papers.

5) Bob DiGiorgio reported the Shay had passed her latest boiler inspection in good shape. He also said a steam-up

was possible by early summer and suggested consideration of July Fourth.

6) Chop Kerr announced he had been invited to make a presentation to the "O Gauge Toy Train Association."

7) Treasurer Bill Richards presented the 1970 Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements.

8) Dick Pennick, reporting for the Excursion Committee, presented a list of suggested excursions for the remainder of 1971 and into 1972. It was the consensus of the Board to accept these recommendations as a tentative excursion calendar.

9) Chop Kerr reported on his attendance at a fund raising seminar and the facts and suggestions he obtained concerning PSRMA fund raising projects.

10) The Board voted to sign the Miramar lease as presented by the Navy, and agreed to pay the approximately $825 it would cost to lay a water line into the equipment area as stipulated by the lease for the first year's payment.

11) The Board directed the Editorial Committee to begin preparation of a new permanent Museum brochure.


18 - General Meeting, 7:00 P.M., House of Hospitality, Balboa Park.
24, 25 - Work parties to dismantle wooden water tank, 10:00 A.M. both days, 1463 East Lexington, El Cajon. Contact Dick Pennick, 463-2276, for information.


EDITOR..................... Jerry Windle

LAYOUT......................John Hathaway

CIRCULATION.................George Geyer